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Parish News

See the highlights from this week's parish bulletin below.

Message from Fr. Tony 07.18.21

July 20, 2021

Weekends, particularly Sundays, are days for rest, but a lot of people are so busy 24/7 that neither Sundays nor weekdays make…

Message from Fr. Tony 07.11.21

July 20, 2021

The Things that Weigh us Down If you have travelled anywhere, by car or train or airplane, you probably spent time trying…

Message from Fr. Tony 07.04.21

July 20, 2021

If Jesus walked among us today and performed miracles and taught us, how would we treat Him? Would we have the faith…

Message from Fr. Tony 06.27.21

July 20, 2021

We all experience imperfection, brokenness, temptation, and sin in our lives. This was nothow God planned it. We know that God had…


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