
Message from Fr. Tony 05.16.21

Feast of the Ascension
Today we celebrate Ascension Sunday, or the Seventh Sunday of Easter. This feast is transferred in most dioceses, including
Jefferson City, from Thursday to Sunday in order to accommodate working people and families. It should not be taken as
“just another Sunday,” but rather as the decisive moment when Jesus takes leave of His disciples and commands them:
There was no time for idleness or fear anymore. Jesus gave one final promise to his disciples before He ascended to
Heaven: That He would send the Holy Spirit to strengthen, comfort, and guide the Church. This we celebrate next Sunday
on Pentecost Sunday. The Holy Spirit has guided the Church for over two thousand years, in all kinds of difficulties and
persecutions. Many good and faithful Christians, who are known only to God, gave their lives rather than deny their Lord
and Savior.
We need to wake up and get busy with the work that was given to us by Jesus: To spread the Good News of salvation to
all the world. This is a command from God, not an invitation or suggestion. The world needs to hear the Good News now
more than ever.
So, let us ask ourselves: Are we busy spreading the Good News by our words and actions, or are we simply “putting in
our time” and waiting to die? No matter who we are or what our age, we are commanded by Jesus to “Go.” For some that
literally means to leave all behind and follow Jesus in ordained ministry or religious life. For most, however, the command
means to live our lives in full view of the world and its opposition to the faith handed on to us by the Apostles not in fear, but
The question is not, “Will I make a difference in the world by my Catholic faith?” but, “What kind of difference will I
make in the world?’ Fr. Tony